

At Parc Lane Cars our mechanics have over 40 years mechanical and electrical experience. This means your new vehicle is prepared, in house, to the highest possible standard. This high standard of preparation does not need to end when you have bought the car. 

We now offer all of the above services to all of our customers for years to come after purchasing from us.
We believe if you look after your car, your car will look after you. The below descriptions will help you understand why this is so important to us and what to look out for to give you a head start in making sure your car is always in good working order.
If you would like any of the below services please give us a call for a quote as prices can vary depending on your vehicle.


Yearly servicing is a vital part ensuring longevity of your engine. Like a glass of water, your oil will contaminate over time. A fresh oil change once is an easy way to ensure reliability. Likewise it Is just as important to change our vehicles filters. An oil filter will ensure your engine oil contamination stays to a minimum, and a fuel filter will do the same. A new cabin filter will help reduce bacteria and smells from forming in the cabin.
The points below are some added bonuses: 

  • Peace of mind reducing the risk of breakdowns.
  • Will reduce your costs for repairs in the future
  • Less chance of accidents
  • The possibility of greater fuel economy and keeps the vehicle to its maximum working order
  • Reduced risk of carbon build up from cleaner emissions resulting in less likely DPF issues.

With competitive prices across all brands please call 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking


Keeping on top of your brakes can improve your vehicles safety in all conditions and it is essential to make sure they are always in full working order. 

Here are some common brake issues to look out for: 

  • Brake juddering through the pedal when braking
  • Steering wheel wobble when braking
  • A grinding or squealing noise under braking
  • A high, hard brake pedal
  • Rear wheels locking upon braking
  • If the vehicle pulls to one side when braking
  • A loss of efficiency during heavy braking or on a long descent
  • Your handbrake not holding on a hill or a high handbrake when applied

If any of the above are present in your vehicle please call 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking.


Nearly all of us have experienced a flat battery and it only happens when you need to be somewhere important. A good battery can improve your vehicle’s reliability particularly during the winter when you use a great deal of the vehicles battery power defrosting your car and warming it up. We can get any battery for any vehicle, just make sure to let us know if your vehicle has air condition or stop start. This ensures the battery is perfect for your car.
With competitive prices across all brands please call 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking

Air Conditioning

Have you noticed your air conditioning not working as well as it should or even not blowing cold at all? Are your demisters taking longer than they should to clear your windscreen on a cold winter’s morning? 

This will more than likely mean your air condition system needs a re-gas. Just like the fuel in your car or the air in your tyres, from time to time your air conditioning will need a top-up. Our mechanics are fully certified to re-gen any vehicle and, unlike most garages, our prices do not go up in the summer. 

Please call 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking


Your tyres are the only part of your vehicle that connects your car to the road. It is incredibly important that they are in good condition and inflated to the cars specification. Good tyres can increase reliability, grip and stopping distances as-well as improve fuel economy (MPG). 

Here are some common tyre issues to look out for: 

  •  Cuts or slices in the tyre side wall
  •  Cracks and bulges. Bulges may often cause wheel wobble if on the front tyres.
  • Always check your tyres after kerbing or after impacts with pot-holes for any damage
  • Turn your wheels on full lock and check the full profile for tread depth.

With competitive prices across all brands please call us on 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking.


Your car's suspension is a vital safety aspect for your vehicle. Worn shock absorbers not only reduce driver comfort, but they can also dramatically affect the handling and safety of your car. 

Here are some things to look out for:

  1.  Irritating knocking noises when going over bumps
  2. Creaking from the suspension
  3. Vehicle “crabbing” or not driving in a straight line.

With competitive prices across all brands please call us on 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking


All cars are now fitted with computers and a myriad of sensors to run and monitor the internal workings of the vehicle. One of the most important functions these components provide is ensuring your car is operating within the manufacturer's safety parameters. These safety systems include most of the engine components, exhaust, fuel, brakes and airbags etc. 

Most people usually only become aware of the functions of these computers when one of the fault warning indicators illuminates on the dashboard. More likely than not these warning indicators are caused by faulty sensors but sometimes they can illuminate due to a genuine fault in one of the vehicles systems or components. 

Diagnostics aid our experienced mechanics to help pinpoint the fault thus reducing labour rates considerably and saving you money in repair bills. 

If you have warning indicator on your dash please call 0191 3401291 or email [email protected] to make a booking.

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